12 research outputs found

    Metastandard für den internationalen Austausch von MOOCs – der MOOChub als erster Prototyp

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    Der MOOChub ist eine Webseite, die weit über 700 Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum von insgesamt neun unterschiedlichen Partner:innen listet. Damit eine solche Seite automatisiert aufgebaut werden kann, ist es notwendig, dass alle Partner:innen die Metadaten der Kurse in gleicher Weise beschreiben und verfügbar machen. Dieser Artikel beschreibt zunächst die Entstehung der Idee eines gemeinsamen Standards und wie dieser im Anschluss entwickelt worden ist. Das Ergebnis ist einerseits ein offen lizenzierter Quasi-Standard, der sich an üblichen Standards orientiert, und ein erster Prototyp, der sogenannte MOOChub, auf dem nun alle Kurse auffindbar und durchsuchbar sind. Abschließend wird über die nächsten möglichen und auch notwendigen Entwicklungen berichtet, die die Schnittstelle weiter optimieren sollen

    Dual role of Mic10 in mitochondrial cristae organization and ATP synthase-linked metabolic adaptation and respiratory growth

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    Invaginations of the mitochondrial inner membrane, termed cristae, are hubs for oxidative phosphorylation. The mitochondrial contact site and cristae organizing system (MICOS) and the dimeric F(1)F(o)-ATP synthase play important roles in controlling cristae architecture. A fraction of the MICOS core subunit Mic10 is found in association with the ATP synthase, yet it is unknown whether this interaction is of relevance for mitochondrial or cellular functions. Here, we established conditions to selectively study the role of Mic10 at the ATP synthase. Mic10 variants impaired in MICOS functions stimulate ATP synthase oligomerization like wild-type Mic10 and promote efficient inner membrane energization, adaptation to non-fermentable carbon sources, and respiratory growth. Mic10's functions in respiratory growth largely depend on Mic10(ATPsynthase), not on Mic10(MICOS). We conclude that Mic10 plays a dual role as core subunit of MICOS and as partner of the F(1)F(o)-ATP synthase, serving distinct functions in cristae shaping and respiratory adaptation and growth

    Make MOOCs count for higher education: Approaches to awarding ECTS Credits for learning in open online courses

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    MOOCs provided by Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have the potential to open up education to a wider audience. By implementing appropriate quality assurance measures, they could also provide a first creditable step into the formal higher education system. Exploring the potential of credentialization and recognition of MOOCs was a major pillar of the INTEGRAL²-project (“Integration and Participation of Refugees in the Context of Digital Teaching and Learning Scenarios”) of Lübeck University of Applied Sciences, RWTH Aachen University and Kiron Open Higher Education. The partners explored possible combinations of the openness of MOOC-based learning with quality assurance and examination approaches that abide to standards of the European Higher Education Area. Regarding quality assurance measures, Kiron has repurposed and adapted tools developed through the Bologna Process in order to explore new pathways to the recognition of prior learning. A core element are MOOC booklets (MOOklets) that connect and display all quality information needed for recognition in a comparable, standardized way. As the university partners identified the existing exams within MOOCs to be the most critical part in order to award legitimate credit points, the partners followed two different approaches: Module-based competence assessment (on- and offline) and MOOC-based examinations (offline). Lübeck University of Applied Sciences tested a procedure to verify learning outcomes by written and oral examinations whilst RWTH Aachen University targeted a more traditional examination approach with written and e-exams that can be taken simultaneously at different offline locations. In the follow-up project INTEGRAL+, the partners will focus on establishing a German examination network for e-assessment of MOOC-based learning. Both efforts in the field of a firm examinations and the endorsement of recognition processes of all existing and future university partners within the Kiron network can lead to simplified admission process and can be key enablers of a successful integration via education

    Assembly of the Mitochondrial Cristae Organizer Mic10 is Regulated by Mic26-Mic27 Antagonism and Cardiolipin

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    The multi-subunit mitochondrial contact site and cristae organizing system (MICOS) is a conserved protein complex of the inner mitochondrial membrane that is essential for maintenance of cristae architecture. The core subunit Mic10 forms large oligomers that build a scaffold and induce membrane curvature. The regulation of Mic10 oligomerization is poorly understood. We report that Mic26 exerts a destabilizing effect on Mic10 oligomers and thus functions in an antagonistic manner to the stabilizing subunit Mic27. The mitochondrial signature phospholipid cardiolipin shows a stabilizing function on Mic10 oligomers. Our findings indicate that the Mic10 core machinery of MICOS is regulated by several mechanisms, including interaction with cardiolipin and antagonistic actions of Mic26 and Mic27

    Für morgen befähigen : Hochschul-Bildungs-Report 2020

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    Der vom Stifterverband in Zusammenarbeit mit McKinsey & Company herausgegebene Hochschul-Bildungs-Report ist die zentrale Publikation der Bildungsinitiative "Zukunft machen". In dem jährlichen erscheinenden Report überprüft der Stifterverband, ob sich der Hochschulbildungssektor den Zielen der Bildungsinitiative annähert, und gibt dazu Handlungsempfehlungen ab. Welche Fähigkeiten benötigen Menschen für ihr berufliches, aber auch für ihr gesellschaftliches Leben in den kommenden Jahren? Wie muss sich das Bildungssystem entwickeln, um seinen Beitrag zur Vermittlung dieser Fähigkeiten zu leisten? Antworten auf diese Fragen bietet der aktuelle Hochschul-Bildungs-Report 2020. Mittlerweile zum fünften Mal liefert die Untersuchung die relevanten Zahlen zum Status der Hochschulbildung in Deutschland – in sechs Handlungsfeldern entlang von 70 Indikatoren